Cats And Dogs Live Together?
Although this seems like a question with a simple “yes” or “no” answer, there are many factors to consider when housing pets together. They can coexist with one another if given appropriate training, but they might not have the picture-perfect relationship you imagined. Cats and dogs each have their own temperaments and personalities, which can determine how long their training takes and how effective it is. With this in mind, here are some ways to help boost your chances of getting your dog and cat to tolerate one another.
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Training Cats and Dogs
Most dogs can be taught to live peacefully with cats. When bringing home a new dog, it is best to separate it from your cat for a few days. This allows your dog to settle in whilst also being able to smell your cat and vice versa. You could also set up a baby gate in one of the rooms so your dog and cat can view each other from a safe distance. Once your dog is settled in, you can slowly introduce it to your cat. These meetings should be short: around ten or fifteen minutes.
It is usually a good idea to put your dog on a lead, so you can quickly intervene if things don’t go to plan. At first, your dog may bark, jump and try to run after the cat, especially if it has never met a cat before. This is normal. Make sure you have some toys and treats on hand, and when your dog focuses its attention on you or the toy, praise it. Ensure your cat has an area it can retreat to if it becomes too stressed.
The length of time needed until your pets tolerate one another is different for each case. It could take a few days, months, or even longer. Don’t panic if things are moving slowly! Some dogs and cats just need a bit longer to get used to one another. Persistent and consistent training will greatly increase your chances of success.
Young Age
If you are looking to get a dog and a cat at some point in your life, then getting them both at a young age is the best way forward. Pets introduced to each other at a young age are more likely to be accepting of one another than if they are introduced as an adult. By growing up together, the puppy and kitten will play together and learn each other’s behaviour. However, adopting both a puppy and a kitten at the same time requires a lot of work and is not always feasible.
Bringing in a puppy to a household with an adult cat is much more beneficial than bringing in an adult dog. Your cat is probably more likely to accept a small, rambunctious puppy over a full-size, energetic adult. If the puppy oversteps its mark or gets a bit too playful, your cat will put it in its place. This helps the puppy learn how to socialise appropriately, as well as how to act around your cat. Your cat will serve as a vital mentor to your puppy on how to behave in the presence of cats. As always, watch the two closely to ensure you can break things up if necessary.
Certain breeds of dogs are less likely to tolerate cats, particularly ones bred for hunting. Fox Terriers, Afghan Hounds, Standard Schnauzers, and Greyhounds, for example, are probably not the best dogs to choose when you already own a cat. These dogs have prey drives for small and furry animals and active natures, which means they are more than likely to chase after your cat. It is best to consider smaller, less active dogs, such as the Pug, Bichon Frise, and Maltese. With smaller breeds, use caution, as an angry cat could do some serious damage with a swipe of its claws. If stuff gets ugly, separate the animals immediately.