Adopting or purchasing a new cat is exciting, but you need to make sure you’re prepared and have everything you need before you bring your new furry friend home.
Here are the essentials you need for your new cat:
- Food
Your new cat obviously needs food to survive! If you know what food your cat was on in their old home, then keep to that for a few weeks before you switch over to something new.
- Scratching Post
A scratching post to scratch is a necessity unless you want your furniture ripped to shreds.
- Litter Box And Litter
To give your furry friend somewhere to use the bathroom, you need to provide them with a litterbox and litter to go inside it.
- Toys
To make sure your cat doesn’t get bored or destructive, you need to give them toys. Some good toys include feather teasers, catnip-filled plushies, and mice rattles.
- Food And Water Bowls
Your cat’s food and water need somewhere to go in! Make sure your cat’s water bowl is sturdy and heavy enough so it can’t topple over.
- Collar And ID Tags
She needs a collar with ID tags to keep them safe. If your cat gets lost, then ID tags will help the person who finds them know who to contact.
- Carrier
When you need to transport or travel with them (like when you first bring them home!), a carrier is a necessity to keep them secure.
- Nail Trimmers
You need nail trimmers to cut your cat’s nails to prevent them from getting too long! Make sure the trimmer you buy are targeted for cats.
If she is long-haired, then you will need brushes to keep their coat from getting matted and tangled. Chemeyes Soft Silicone Grooming Brush is really soft, making grooming an enjoyable experience for both you and your new friend.
- Hideaways
This is especially important for when you first bring your new pet home. Cats need somewhere safe to retreat to for when they are feeling stressed or anxious. You can buy hideaways or make one yourself. Cut a large hole into a cardboard box and turn it over to make an effective and cheap hideaway for your cat!
Your cat needs to be microchipped and vaccinated. If your new cat has not been vaccinated or microchipped, then you will need to make an appointment with a vet as soon as possible.
Microchipping is mandatory. Most adoption centres and reputable breeders will ensure they have already been vaccinated and microchipped before they come home with you.